A Functional Government is Possible
Government Accountability
My Policy Values
Too many Portlanders feel like Portland City Council is out of touch and not working to address the challenges they face everyday. With our new form of government, East Portland has a chance to elect champions that will keep the city accountable to deliver the services our communities need. We deserve to elect members of our own unique communities who understand the lived experiences of our neighbors, and can bring new diverse voices to the table where crucial decisions are being made for our future. The valuable time and energy community members give to our city when sharing their ideas, needs, and dreams must be honored with a response and action by our City’s leadership. As your champion in City Hall, I will make sure East Portland gets the investment and services it is owed, along with the robust constituent services needed to reflect our voices into the decisions we make for our collective future.
Each district deserves attention from our city government, and one great way to do that is through a district office. This hub would serve as a robust, inclusive touchpoint for City Council meetings, small business support, permitting, and more. A district office will bring government services directly to our community, build East Portland’s district identity, provide us a direct channel to get our ideas to our council, and empower us to create policies with a neighborhood view and citywide impact.
Our government has not been accountable to all its people — especially East Portlanders. We need to reform how we run and appoint boards and commissions to maximize community members’ power. We need to develop leadership among our communities so people can navigate their government and be equipped to make change. And we need participatory budgeting, so every resident can have a say in where their tax dollars go.
We need our young people to understand that our government is critical, and we need them to take part. Working for our city is not only a pathway to a well-paying job with good benefits — it’s also a key way to impact the decisions that affect us everyday. We need to build our pipeline of future leaders and make sure they represent all our communities.
We need strong, determined leadership that is committed to the vision that Portlanders voted for 2022 — and I am that leader. I served on the commission that designed our new and improved form of government. I know how to harness this moment: a historic moment to change how our city makes the policies that will address housing, public safety, economic opportunity, and all the issues Portlanders face.
Portlanders need a simple, effective way to report problems to the City — and we need quick, responsive solutions. As we change how our city government operates, 311 will need to handle more and more calls. Whether it’s reporting a pothole or asking for help with city services, 311 is our system — and it needs to be strengthened. It’s essential 311 has the staff and the resources it needs to succeed.